开发板串口输出信息: couldn't read CPU state

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  • #1642

    Warn : Resetting JTAG TAP state and reconnectiong to debug IF.
    Info : adv debug unit is configured with option ADBG_USE_HISPEED
    Warn : …attempt 3 of 5
    Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
    Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
    Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
    Error: Burst read failed
    Warn : Debug IF CPU control reg read failure.
    Warn : Resetting JTAG TAP state and reconnectiong to debug IF.
    Info : adv debug unit is configured with option ADBG_USE_HISPEED
    Warn : …attempt 4 of 5
    Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
    Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
    Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
    Error: Burst read failed
    Warn : Debug IF CPU control reg read failure.
    Warn : Resetting JTAG TAP state and reconnectiong to debug IF.
    Info : adv debug unit is configured with option ADBG_USE_HISPEED
    Warn : …attempt 5 of 5
    Error: Could not re-establish communication with target
    Error: Error while calling rv32m1_is_cpu_running
    Polling target rv32m1.cpu failed, trying to reexamine
    Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
    Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
    Warn : CRC ERROR! Computed 0x00000000, read CRC 0xffffffff
    Error: Burst read failed
    Error: Couldn’t read the CPU state
    Examination failed, GDB will be halted. Polling again in 6300ms


    是 OPENOCD  驱动问题还是板子 问题呢 ?

    大家不要申请了板子就 放在那里睡觉了 ,否则就是毫无意义。

    作为社区来说没有进步,作为 nxp方来说,文档写的语焉不详,也没有人提意见,失去了进步动力



    说明一下:    看过文档,仔细看了一下文档,原来RV32M1芯片默认从RISC-V核启动,所以使用的指令:



    按照这份链接  step by step



    自己找到原因。发现了 jlink 连接不好。。。

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