- 使用跳线帽短接J7排针,使调试器进入固件升级模式
- USB线连接J11口,并连接电脑
- 双击安装目录下的LPCScrypt2.1.0842\scripts\program_JLINK.cmd文件
LPCScrypt – J-Link firmware programming script v2.0.0 June 2018.
Connect an LPC-Link2 or LPCXpresso V2/V3 Board via USB then press Space.
请按任意键继续. . .
Cannot open DFU device 1fc9:000c
Nothing to boot
Boot Failed:
Ensure One Debug Probe is configured to DFU-Boot and connected via USB.
– For LPC-Link2: remove link JP1 (nearest USB) and power cycle
– For LPCXpresso V2/V3: make DFU link and power cycle